Non citizens made to provide service–SAC spokesperson


“We won’t make non Myanmar citizens provide military service,” said Maj-General Zaw Min Tun, the spokesperson of the State Administration Council (SAC), when asked by the Popular News about a news report of Dhaka Tribune, which says that Bengalis from the refugee camps in Rakhine State are being forcibly conscripted.

“We don’t conscript non Myanmar citizens, and no Bengalis have been made to do military service,” replied the spokesman.

U Hla Thein, the spokesperson of Rakhine State Government, also said that the news of conscription are merely the fabricated news.

According to the critics of Rakhine affairs, such news are baseless and unfounded; they are being spread only to coincide with the defeat of the Tatmadaw in the military operations.

Certain people are of the opinion that the enforcement of the People’s Military Service Law has worsened the people ‘s pessimism about the military.

There are also rumors that the village people are being mobilized for military service.


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