Military donates precious ruby to state as national treasure


Military donates  precious ruby to state as national treasure 

The military has received a 2,789.25 carat weighing ruby as a donation, and the precious ruby has been named  the national ruby (SAC). Now, the military handed over the national ruby on 7th July at the Office of the Defence Services Commander in Chief in Nay PyiTaw to be kept as the national treasure.

SAC chairman explained that he received this ruby from a well-wishing youth donor, who offered to donate the ruby handed down by his ancestors.

The responsible officials checked the ruby and found out that it is a highly precious one, and so, the military decided to donate the ruby to the nation. 

The SAC chairman said, “In 1990, the State Law and Order Restoration Council Government received a 496 carat weighing ruby as a donation, and in 2013, a 1907 carat weighing ruby was donated to the nation.” 

This time, the donated ruby weighs 2,789.5 carats, and so, SAC honours the ruby by making it the national treasure. The ruby is flawless, and it is a produce of Mogok Treasure Land.  The SAC chair said the donor youth will be given due honour. 

This ruby is of hardness level 9 with a density of 3.99, and the colour is red with purplish tint. 

The ruby was handed over with a ceremony attended by SAC members led by the Senior General and the union ministers inter alia.


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