China to join ASEAN in pushing Myanmar to effectuate national reconciliation within the bounds of 2008 Constitution


China to join ASEAN in pushing Myanmar to effectuate national reconciliation within the bounds of 2008 Constitution

China State Councilor Foreign Minister Mr Wang Yi said during the meeting with the Special Envoy of the ASEAN Alternate Chair, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia on 3rd July in Bagan that he hoped to join ASEAN in invariably pushing Myanmar to effectuate national reconciliation within the framework of the Constitution and the relevant laws.
He said so during a sideline meeting of the 7th Mekong-Langcang Foreign Ministers Meeting hosted by Myanmar.

Additionally, Mr Wang Yi said that respective organisations in Myanmar are required to be aware of the political context and lay emphasis upon the national interest, that discretion should be employed and mutual tolerance exercised and that reasonable demands ought to be considered to ensure swift implementation of stability and peace.

He added that China will join hands with ASEAN in pushing Myanmar to resume Myanmar’s democratic reform process in order that power can be vested again in the people and that in doing so, home grown political developments are needed to suit the Myanmar’s specific situation.

Last but not least, Wang pointed out that ASEAN ought not to interfere in another’s internal affairs in the pretext of ASEAN Way, that the principle of cooperation and coordination should be strengthened, that the hindrances are to be deprived of in a stable way through exercise of tolerance in order that the five-point consensus can be effectuated and that perfect unity and the leadership role of ASEAN can be maintained.


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